Nine Inch Nails

Band Website & Shopify Store

We were thrilled to collaborate with The Creative Corporation on the WordPress website and Shopify store for Nine Inch Nails, one of the most iconic and boundary-pushing bands in the music industry.

The website serves as an immersive digital hub where fans can explore the band’s rich history, discover their extensive release archive, and engage with exclusive content. Additionally, the e-commerce store allows fans to connect with their favourite music, merchandise, and collectibles.

This project represents a fusion of music and technology, and we’re honoured to have contributed to the band’s digital legacy.

NIN WordPress Website Logo
Portfolio Desktop Screen
NIN WordPress Website Development
NIN WordPress Website Merch
NIN WordPress Website Vinyl
NIN WordPress Website Vinyl
NIN WordPress Website Vinyl
Portfolio Mobile Screen
NIN Shopify Store Development

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Backyard Nature

Put Your Patch On The Map